Saturday, June 12, 2010

Crazy fan hires Kat’s personal instructor

Fans can go to crazy extents to imitate their idols. Bollywood star Katrina Kaif is getting the taste of one such crazy fan who decided to hire Kat’s personal fitness instructor.

The girl, who is a college goer, went to the extent of saving big time to hire Yasmin Khan, Kat’s personal trainer to achieve a figure as gorgeous and fit as the actress herself.

“The girl is still in college, and has given up her outings and other such perks that most girls her age enjoy just so that she can save up money to afford to train with Yasmin.

The fan wants to adopt Katrina’s route to fitness, and hence really wants to train under Yasmin, for which she is saving upmoney . A lot of young girls come to Yasmin with the same request.

They all want to be just like Katrina,” said a source. We wonder what the actress herself has to say about this. Well Kat, nothing like the adulations of fans, isn’t it?

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