Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hot Actress Aishwarya Rai shows her maternal instincts blanketing a shivering girl

Aishwarya Rai has showcased her maternal instinct and a little incident related to her benevolence has become a subject of discussion amongst the crazy Aishwarya Rai fans. It so happened that during a scene for Mani Ratnam’s Raavan, the actors had to stay wet for 4 hours at a stretch.

Though, it wasn’t an uphill task for the professional adults, a little gal (who is part of the cast) was finding it difficult to tackle the cold of the drenched clothes for long. Before long, Aishwarya’s eyes spotted her trembling body and she instantly arranged for a blanket to provide the child the much needed warmth.

The girl appreciated her generosity with a silent smile and even the film crew members felt pleasant about the whole situation. Though, it was a pretty insignificant and trivial incident, Aishwarya’s fans are gladdened by her motherly show of affection towards the hapless child.

Following this incident, Preeti (a die hard Ash fan) couldn’t help venting out her admiration for the former Miss World as she hailed her citing, “She is gorgeous and definitely all DIL (daughter in laws) should learn from her ,how she carries herself and interaction with in-laws, truly worth learning.”

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