Tuesday, October 16, 2012

8 year old Alayana Sharma horrifies the nation with her performance in Bhoot Returns

The cute little girl in Bhoot Returns scared the whole nation with the terrifying posters of her face all around the nation. Alyana Sharma has put up a great act for her age as a possessed girl by the evil spirit in the film and essays the role with great ease.

Apparently, Alyana has given all her shots in one take and she perfected the art in no time. Alayana who essayed the role of Nimmi was the first one to encounter the ghost. She has given a flawless performance in the film and has done some of the toughest scenes effortlessly.

This is Alayana’s first stint on big screen and by the looks of it; the little girl is going to go places!!

The 3D aspect of the film has further enhanced the movie watching experience in the horror film. Bhoot Returns hit the theatres on the 12th of October.

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