Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ameesha Patel: When I know I'm sexy why feel shy about it?

The actress is unfazed by the controversy about her sexy look in her sunglasses ad 

A holidaying Ameesha Patel is currently having a blast in Paris and London with her business partner Kuunal Goomeer and his wife Shammli. The actress is excited that her endorsement - Glamstar glasses - will be available in almost 200 stores all over India by April 2013. 

According to sources, A lot of money has been spent in promoting the brand as the people behind the product feel that once it gets into everyone's mind it gets easier to sell it and has a greater impact in the market.
Adds the source, The Glamstar brand has Ameesha in a sexy look which has been loved by all as well as shocked quite a few. Her new sexy image has created loads of controversies.

When quizzed about the controversy, Ameesha's reply was straightforward with a long laugh, `When I know I'm sexy why feel shy about it? Especially when your look is portrayed in a classy way. People who are talking about my sexy look can't digest change. 

They are the people who feel they aren't probably as lucky as you are. I'm very grateful to God and I'm happy that once I reach Mumbai, I will get busy with my back-to-back schedule starting with Singh Sahab The Great and then Bhaiyaji Superhit in January. Post that I will start my home production which has been delayed for eight months due to my busy schedule.
Ameesha's next release will be Race 2 that's scheduled to release in January 2013. 

Further the source states, Once she is back from her vacation she will also start doing her first photo shoot for Gitanjali.

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