Saturday, September 5, 2009

John Abraham will soon back in action

Bollywood star John Abraham will soon be back in action, and is all set to work in an action flick. According to sources.

He and his body and penchant for being a daredevil, John could very well have been the successor to Akshay Kumar.

But John was busy trying out different roles and has not done an out-and-out action film for a while now.

John even made a statement that he’d love to do an action film for his fans, but nothing has caught his fancy till now.

News is that he has finally agreed to do an action film with a first-time director who was introduced to him by Anurag Kashyap.

Anurag and John will be working together again after No Smoking, but the director is still taking some time to get his script ready.

Meanwhile, he is introducing John to young, talented and edgy filmmakers who he thought John could work with. John was particularly impressed with a young filmmaking student from a reputed institute, who has envisioned an action film on the lines of the Hollywood hit History of Violence. John is thrilled with the concept and is already sculpting his body to get into the skin of his character.

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