Riteish Deshmukh has ventured into film production with "Balak Palak", and his close friend, superstar Shah Rukh Khan, has wished him good luck. "Riteish, all the best my friend. Have a good one... it's a ride producing films... a fun, fearful and fantastic ride. Bless you," Shah Rukh, who produces films under his banner Red Chillies Entertainment, posted on Riteish's Twitter page. Directed by Ravi Jadhav, "Balak Palak" is based on a Marathi play of the same name and it deals with the sensitive subject of sex education among children. What excites Riteish? 'Filmy-Picture'
Actor Riteish Deshmukh has been finalised for "Filmy Picture" and says he is excited to be a part of the project, a spoof on various Bollywood films.
"Excited about doing 'Filmy-Picture' remake of Telugu super-hit 'Sudigadu' to be produced by Suresh Productions. Will start shooting soon," tweeted Riteish.
" 'Filmy-Picture' will be a spoof on the cliches of Hindi cinema, it will feature lot of blockbuster films from classics to recent hits," Riteish, last seen in "Kyaa Super Kool Hain Hum", further posted.
To be produced by southern producer D. Suresh Babu, "Filmy Picture" is in casting stage.
Actor Riteish Deshmukh has been finalised for "Filmy Picture" and says he is excited to be a part of the project, a spoof on various Bollywood films.
" 'Filmy-Picture' will be a spoof on the cliches of Hindi cinema, it will feature lot of blockbuster films from classics to recent hits," Riteish, last seen in "Kyaa Super Kool Hain Hum", further posted.
To be produced by southern producer D. Suresh Babu, "Filmy Picture" is in casting stage.
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