Monday, October 15, 2012

Karisma's hubby Sanjay's closeness to Priya Chatwal irks family

A birdie from the national capital brings hot fodder from the gossip around Sanjay Kapoor, Karisma Kapoor's hubby

Nope it is not about their state of marriage (that's as old as their marriage in 2003) nor is it about Sanjay's closeness to socialite Priya Chatwal (that's old too!) but about Sanjay's behaviour! 

Apparently there was a wedding in the Kapur family recently and Sanjay was keen to get Priya along.

But his folks were adamant to not have her at the family do. Things got so hot that Sanjay even flung a glass of wine at his sister Mandira. 
Remember Lolo and Mandira were (or still are?) best buddies. 

The birdie also chirps that Sanjay's family has not taken Priya's presence in his life too well. Hmmm..

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