Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Court curbs on release of Chakravyuh's Mehngai song

The Delhi High Court Monday restrained makers of Bollywood movie "Chakravyuh" from releasing the song "Mehngai" after a defamation suit filed by shoe maker Bata objecting to the use of its name in the lyrics.

The complainant said the use of its name in a song on inflation was "offending".

Justice Kailash Gambhir, in an interim order, allowed Bata's plea alleging that a satirical mention of the company's name in the song "Mehngai" was defamatory, and directed that the song will not be released till the plea was decided.

Directed by filmmaker Prakash Jha and produced by Sunil Lulla, "Chakravyuh" is scheduled to be released Oct 24.

Justice Gambhir said: "The defendants (filmmakers), their employees, servants, agents, partners/proprietors, directors...any person or entity acting on their behalf or under their authority are accordingly restrained from releasing, transmitting, distributing...or communicating to the public by any means or technology...audio visual performance of the impugned song 'Mehngai' using the name of the plaintiff (Bata India Ltd) therein till final disposal of the suit."

Bata urged the court to pass a restraint order against the director, producer, writer and producer of the song "Mehngai", the shoe company said the defamatory song has been used by the filmmakers on YouTube to promote the film.

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