Thursday, October 25, 2012

Exclusive: We're off to Bora Bora for our Honeymoon

It's been quite a long bumpy but finally exhilarating journey to wedded bliss for Lisa Ray. At age 40, on October 20 in a ceremony in the picturesque Napa Valley Lisa Ray became Mrs Jason Dehni. 

Hours after the ceremony Lisa spoke to us as she raced away from civilization for a brief honeymoon. Said the ecstatic bride, We are overjoyed. This wedding exceeded all our expectations. I am overjoyed to be joined with my soulmate Jason.

The wedding celebrations left the lovely Lisa exhausted and exhilarated. 

Said the radiant bride, The wedding went on during the entire weekend. The theme was love. We celebrated the Revival of Love.
Lisa says the wedding was a time to count her blessings. Besides sealing our love and union in front of our beloved friends and family, this weekend in sheer paradise showed how one can bounce back into life after facing tough challenges. Now we the newly-minted couple are off to Bora Bora. Lost to humanity for a while.

Added Lisa's Significant Other Jason Dehni, I feel blessed to have married my soul mate. I am deeply in love with Lisa. It was a magical wedding weekend. We're now en route to Bora Bora for our honeymoon.

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