The young actor who made his mark on television before making the transition to cinema earlier this year with UTV’s film adaptation of Chetan Bhagat’s The 3 Mistakes Of My Life was called by Aditya Chopra last month to discuss an exclusive 3-film contract with Yashraj.
Says our source from Yashraj, “Adi immediately offered him the parallel lead with Arjun Kapoor in Aurangzeb. Also, Aditya Chopra had seen Sushant Singh Rajput’s dancing in Jhalak Dikhlaa Jaa. He wanted to make a full-fledged dance film with Rajput. A third film would have been finalized later. ”
Unfortunately UTV would not allow Rajput to sign any outside contacts.
A friend of the actor spilled the beans, “Aditya Chopra met Sushant and told him he had seen his work on television and had big screen plans for the young actor. Adi Chopra wanted to sign Sushant for a 3-film contract. ”
Says Rajput’s friend, “Sushant would have to fulfil his 2-film deal with UTV before he can sign anything else with an outside banner. They’ve invested so much in the Chetan Bhagat adaptation Kai Po Che. They expect Sushant’s career to take off in a big way. UTV naturally wants to cash in on his popularity once his debut film is released. ”
Says Sushant Rajput’s friend, “Sushant has already lost one Yashraj film Aurangzeb which was to start in the next couple of months. He has also lost Mukesh and Mahesh Bhatt’s Aashiqui 2 which has now gone to Aditya Roy Kapoor. ”
The latest development in the Rajput imbroglio is that UTV has agreed to put a time frame to the actor’s exclusive contract.
Says Sushant’s friend, “UTV’s second project with Sushant Rajput has to be launched before January 2013. If they fail to do so, Sushant is free to sign any film. ”
Would Aditya Chopra be willing to wait for Sushant Singh Rajput to complete the obligation with UTV?
Sushant Singh Rajput remained unavailable for comment.
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