Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I'm not a big romantic: Minissha

Actress Minissha Lamba talks about what her perfect rainy day would be like...

While some love to get wet in the rains, actress Minissha Lamba feels nothing beats the comfort of staying indoors and tucking into some hot yummy pasta to savour the weather outside. Here's what her perfect rainy day would be like...

Big on films
I’m not a big romantic buff but somehow, when it’s raining, I like watching romantic films on television. The weather’s so lovely, that it literally helps the film seem even better than it is!

Comfort food
A nice hot dish of Thai curry or some yummy pasta, that’s the kind of fattening food I like eating on a day like this. It’s wholesome comfort food.

A hot cuppa
I can’t think of a better way of spending a rainy day than chilling at home and doing nothing. It’s difficult to do that if I have a shoot that day. So if by chance I do get a day when I’m home and it’s raining, I make the most of it. Get a hot cuppa coffee, sit by the window and watch the world getting washed by the rains.

Earth song
It’s not possible to step out when it’s raining heavily. But if it’s a light shower, I pick up my umbrella and go for a walk near my house. The earth smells fresh and everything is green. It’s the perfect ambience for a nice walk.

Shake it up
When it’s pouring outside and you can’t step out, that’s the time to concentrate on the indoors. So I go through my wardrobe and go through all my stuff, re-arrange my toiletries and even re-arrange my furniture and décor if I feel up to it.

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