Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mediocrity is across the board in Bollywood: Nandita Das

Actor-director on bidding farewell to CFSI this month-end and wanting to direct her second film

The past two years have been rather hectic for actor-director Nandita Das. She has been serving as the chairperson of Children’s Film Society of India (CFSI) and will continue to do so till the end of this month. Nandita says she opted for CFSI because she wanted to ‘be a part of the system’.

Mother to two-year-old Vihaan, she confesses to not having enough time for him lately, thanks to CFSI’s latest release Gattu. But she promises to make up for it soon! In a candid conversation, the 42-year-old talks about her recent work and what’s next. 

How has the association with CFSI been?
Cynicism was pretty strong and the challenges that stood in front of me were age old attracting able directors, actors and ultimately making good films. I thoroughly enjoyed this process.

Then why aren’t you seeking another term?
(Laughs) This is the question everybody is asking me nowadays! The truth is pretty obvious that I want to do something else. I guess it’s time to relay the baton to someone else.
So what next for you?
I haven’t directed a film since Firaaq so I want to try direction once again, yes. But the immediate plan to work on my upcoming play for the next three months. I’m writing as well as directing it. I’m not fluent in theatre so I’m nervous as well as thrilled!

So you think children’s films as a genre shall see better days ahead...?
At least that’s the idea, right? See, there is a great difference between a childlike film and a childish film. Mediocrity is across the board when it comes to Bollywood but we also learn that marketing is the key. And thanks to financial uncertainties, every little thing nowadays is weighed on economic scales.

Post-CFSI, will we watch more of you in Hindi films?
I’ve always been on the fringe of the industry. Besides, I don’t compel myself and choose only the kind of work that resonates with me.

How do you manage career with family?
It’s a challenge and I don’t manage better or worse than any other woman. I enjoy my work as well as motherhood and I try my best to spend as much time as possible with my son and the rest of the family.

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