Saturday, August 18, 2012

Different strokes for Yami Gautam

Actress tries her hand at interior decoration, starts with redesigning her apartment in Goregaon 

She may be just one film old, but Yaami Gautam is already spreading her wings. The actress, who has an apartment in Goregaon, is planning to renovate it. She will be redesigning the interiors herself. 

Yaami has always been interested in the many aspects of interior decoration. 

In fact, given the fact that she is a bookworm, she wants to design a separate section for her books as well. She divulges the details about her plans, I like minimal furniture with paintings and a lot of greenery. I don't like wall paper but I like a matt finish on the wall with light shades and dark coloured furniture. 
A source close to the actress says, Yaami is involved in decorating separate sections of her house that will store her envious collection of music as well. 

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