Wednesday, October 10, 2012

No F-words for Vidya!

After doing some rather gutsy acts in her recent spate of films, it appears that Vidya Balan has decided to take it a little easy. It so happened that at a recent book launch, the actress could not bring herself to mouth 'f***' and instead chose to utter 'beep' in place of it

At an event to launch a new book by author Munmun Ghosh, Vidya read a few passages from the text aloud for the audience. The audience was left a bit puzzled when the actress said 'beep' in between the reading.

Later, Vidya turned to the author saying, There was no way I was going to say those words!

The author later told us, Each individual has his set of rules for himself. Vidya stood by her rules. Hmmm.

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