Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sulking Rajev Paul craves for ex-wife Delnaaz Irani on Bigg Boss 6

Salman Khan has finally rolled Bigg Boss 6 and the only couple on it is actually a divorced one! Delnaaz Irani and Rajev Paul are hardly able to see eye to eye, while their chemistry (or the lack of it) is under scrutiny of the 70-odd cameras and the audience alike. 

Strangely, Rajev has been pursuing his ex-wife on the reality show too, almost forcibly trying to catch her attention all the time. He's even went around cribbing and complaining like a kid to other Housemates about her not giving him attention. 

While Delnaaz has been keeping her ex-hubby at bay, Bollywood PR guru Dale Bhagwagar has been quietly holding on to a big secret about the ex-lovebirds. 

It turns out that the celebrity publicist who is known in the media as a Bigg Boss specialist, for having handled the publicity for maximum contestants who have been on the show, has spoken to both Rajev and Delnaaz before it rolled. 

When probed, the publicist agrees that Rajev extensively consulted him on Bigg Boss prior to entering the show, while Dale also spoke to Delnaaz before she left for the Bigg Boss House. Oh oh! 
They both discussed Bigg Boss with me, but were not sure if the other would be there on the show. Keeping professional ethics in mind, I did not tell one about the other's presence, but fully prepared them for the possibility. That's the least I could do for them, as they both have been my friends from a long time,  reveals the PR specialist. 

So what guidance has he given to Rajev and Delnaaz? I can't divulge that. All I can say is that both are wounded. Though Delnaaz is mentally a much stronger person, Rajev hasn't really been able to move on even after the parting. Moreover, their wounds aren't bleeding. They are deeper; they're hurting,  Dale further reveals.

Getting more philosophical, he adds, Whoever says, 'time heals all wounds' doesn't know much. Time never heals such wounds. It just covers the scars and reduces the pain. There is no healing. I just hope Rajev and Delnaaz's emotions don't flare up badly on the show, though it seems inevitable right now!

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