Monday, November 12, 2012

Priyanka is unfazed with the controversies around her life

Actress-turned-singer Priyanka Chopra may be on a roll but controversies and negativity keep tailing her

But PC being PC is not affected by all the negative influences around her.

She says, I don't think so much. I have received so much love and adulation from my fans and well-wishers that these few discouraging people do not matter. I agree that there are people who don't like me but I am interesting because people talk and write about me.

I look at life positively and I am doing amazing work. I have four films and my last three films have been R 100 crore plus. I am on the verge of starting a new career as well. Why should I be unhappy? There is nothing more that I seek for.

About her box office run, she says, Yes, Barfi! is the third hit in a row. It started with Don 2 during Christmas and Agneepath in January but these films were expected to do well. However Barfi! crossing the 100 crore mark was a pleasant surprise. See, we all knew the kind of film we were making and the general perception was that the main lead in the film is autistic.

However it was a pleasant love story between two differently able people. I am very pleased with the kind of response my character Jhilmil received. It was not a Fashion where I had an author-backed role. I was hardly there for 40 per cent of the film.

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