Bollywood starlet Laila Khan’s disappearance saga has taken a new twist. She is alive and has fled to Dubai on a fake passport, provided by a close aide of Dawood Ibrahim, according to Parvez Ahmed Tak.
In his confession made to Jammu and Kashmir police, Parvez has also stated that Laila is married to the son of Kamal Jadhvani, a hawala operator who handles the hawala operations of fugitive underworld don, Dawood Ibrahim.
According to intelligence officials, Parvez has also admitted that while he was in Mumbai, Jadhvani, would act as a link between Laila and the don, and all communication messages were being routed through him. He also stated that Laila was doing things at the behest of Dawood.
Parvez, who was arrested on Thursday by J&K police, has reportedly told cops that after Laila completed her reconnaissance, Jadhvani arranged fake passports for five members of her family to flee the country.
Parvez’s statements have revealed that Laila had full knowledge of the Delhi blast, and hence the Mumbai Anti-Terrorist Squad has taken copies of the fake passports. They have also launched a hunt for Jadhvani, who is hiding in the city.
ATS will issue a red corner notice against Laila and Sonu, and may approach the Interpol.
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