Priyanka Chopra wows B2B buyers with cutting edge DDB Technology
Priyanka Chopra’s got another brand under her belt. The actress is now brand ambassador of Digital Direct Broadcast (DDB) TV technology connected with the B2B audience which includes leading chains of electronic superstores, large format retail groups, trade bodies, renowned consumer electronics manufacturers and industry representatives.
An event to showcase DDB was held at Taj Land’s End, Mumbai last weekend. The interactive session aimed to inform the audience about the expertise of the new age platform.
Enabling the television of today to compete against smartphones and tablets, the DDB Platform will empower consumer to perform multiple functions never experienced before on one single platform.
Spearheading the talk at the event, Priyanka the DDB brand ambassador said, “I consider myself as a geek’s fantasy, so when DDB team approached me, it was impossible for me not to be associated, as its very fascinating to be a part of progressive evolution of technology.
The technology will bring television at par to compete against the innumerable smartphones and tablets in the market. The DDB platform will empower owners of TVs to perform multiple functions never experienced before on one single platform.”
A first-of-its-kind technological innovation, the new age platform is poised to bring about an unbeatable audio-visual experience right onto one’s television screens, to coincide with digitalisation across four metros in India.
DDB Foundation spokesperson affirmed the information saying, “It is our pleasure to introduce this technology to our prospective B2B partners. The DDB Platform will turn tables in the television entertainment industry similar to the success of Android in the mobile technology industry. It will bring home a revolutionary digital experience to the Indian television sets in India.”
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