Tuesday, June 26, 2012

We are provoking people to look inward: Aamir

Bollywood actor Aamir Khan said his show Satyamev Jayate cannot change things which are people's inner feelings, but will certainly provoke everyone to think and look inward.

In an interview to CNN IBN, Aamir Khan, whose shows on issues like medical malpractices generated controversies and turned the doctors against him, said change can come only through change in attitude and not just be political actions.

"Actually I don’t think we are trying to rouse the conscience of the political class in particular. That’s not what we are attempting to do. What we are attempting to do really is question ourselves, and in questioning myself, I am hoping that people will question themselves, whether you are in politics or a common person," he told the interviewer.

"In fact, in a large number of issues… what is required is a change in attitude. For example, all of us are surrounded by this patriarchal kind of thinking. Now politicians can hardly change that. The feeling that people have… of not wanting a girl child… that is a feeling. So we are looking to provoke people to look inward, rather than outward," he said.

He told interviewer Sagarika Ghosh that the response to his show is like a dream like one.

".. I have to say this that it is like a dream response that we are having to the show and this is the kind of response we wanted to have. This is the kind of impact we wanted to have," he said.

"This is the kind of debate we had hoped to generate and discussions among people across, you know, the country – whether it is small towns, villages or cities, across economic groups. And that is exactly what is happening and me and my entire team is really happy about that," he said.

Aamir said he is also not bothered by the Television Rating Points (TRPs), seen as an indicated of popularity of any TV programme.

"I am very clear that our viewership is the highest ever. I don’t know what the advertisers do but I will tell you one thing. The reason I am not bothered about TRPs is because TRP number is given by just 7,000 boxes. And how is 7000 boxes going to tell me what India is watching.

"TRP is very different from viewership. And I am bothered about viewership, I am concerned about it, not the TRPs," he said

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