The spotlight followed her, the camera loved her, the paparazzi couldn't get enough of her... Mahi Arora was a 'Superstar'... in every sense of the word!
Not only was she on top of her game, she was also single, fancy free and footloose. She was beautiful, famous, successful and very-very rich and of course still young. In short a case of pure perfection.
This is what the world would have you believe about her. It is said that paradox exists in the darkness behind the spotlight. Unfortunately, Mahi's inner world was in direct contrast to her outer life. After all uneasy lays the head that wears a crown.

Prone to intense mood swings, in fact secretly bipolar, insecure, unsure and very lonely. Mahi's only source of happiness was love, her insane, all pervasive, all consuming love for the reigning superstar who hadn't quite committed to her.
While all her contemporaries were busy strategizing career moves, endorsements, 'alliances' and even marriages; Mahi, unmindful of her career was only focused on somehow getting her love requited and in her attempt to do that begins a journey spiraling downwards.

This quest for love starts taking her to disastrous depths, yet always saving her just when she's at the edge.
The story goes through various ill fated relationships and career roller coasters all the way to a point where Mahi is forced to risk everything she had.
Her career, her sanity and her life all at once go through a spinning twist.
Could Mahi retain her position as the No. 1 Heroine of her times? Was her True Love ever going to be requited? Was Mahi going to lose everything she cared for? OR was there a way of saving herself to emerge as a true Heroine . . . of Life???

These are questions that only can be answered by Mahi Arora herself.
Not only was she on top of her game, she was also single, fancy free and footloose. She was beautiful, famous, successful and very-very rich and of course still young. In short a case of pure perfection.
This is what the world would have you believe about her. It is said that paradox exists in the darkness behind the spotlight. Unfortunately, Mahi's inner world was in direct contrast to her outer life. After all uneasy lays the head that wears a crown.

While all her contemporaries were busy strategizing career moves, endorsements, 'alliances' and even marriages; Mahi, unmindful of her career was only focused on somehow getting her love requited and in her attempt to do that begins a journey spiraling downwards.

The story goes through various ill fated relationships and career roller coasters all the way to a point where Mahi is forced to risk everything she had.
Her career, her sanity and her life all at once go through a spinning twist.
Could Mahi retain her position as the No. 1 Heroine of her times? Was her True Love ever going to be requited? Was Mahi going to lose everything she cared for? OR was there a way of saving herself to emerge as a true Heroine . . . of Life???

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