A firm anti-smoker, Bipasha Basu had put her foot down when asked to smoke while shooting for Dum Maaro Dum. But then, director Rohan Sippy wanted her to look authentic in her role as a hippie and hence wanted her to practise lighting a joint. It was after much persuasion that Bipasha agreed to smoke just once so that her director gets the best shot. But things didn’t seem to go as planned. Incidentally, after making Bipasha go through the entire process of rolling up the joint and lighting it, Rohan apparently decided to chop off the entire scene, leaving Bipasha fuming over the whole episode.
“Here I am spending an entire day rolling nicotine into paper and trying to make a cigarette and there Rohan goes ahead and completely cuts off the shot,” says Bipasha, adding, “I was so angry with Rohan and I asked him the reason behind all of this. But he had no explanation to offer. I was really upset for the time wasted and the psychosis I had to go through because of smoking.
It took a while for Bipasha to regain her composure. “I then made it very clear to Rohan that I would not try this again. Just going through it once was bad enough for me, so he better not change his mind,” says, the actress with a smile. Now, here’s one true blue fitness freak.
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